April 23, 2004 |
Helloooo! I have been really really busy for the past, well.... 2 years! Yes, I have been attending graduate school, and right now I am weeks away from getting my Master's degree. Wicked, yes? Soon, I will return to the ways of my website. I'll re-vamp it, change it, etc. I will also re-vitalize the blog-- learn how to make it interesting and all that junk. I hope someone is still out there. I will be back soon. : ) |
--woah time lapse!-- |
May 25, 2002 |
Hi, I added the "My Sister" series of poetry. These poems have a very deep personal meaning for me. You can read about the inspiration for them here. They are also the first poems that I read aloud and performed. I was greeted with warm applause and a few tears. Even if everyone was just being kind, it gave me a huge emotional lift. Go to poetic for all the poems. |
March 4, 2002 |
Updated poetic, sunnish, to conform.... Added navigation to the bottoms of the main pages |
March 2, 2002 |
Updated this darn thing by changing the colour (dark blue), the title (starlit) and ... oh, that's it. Might add new material soon. This may be more proselike, or like a story (like.) |
December 3, 2001 |
Helloooooo. I have added a few more poems. What the heck is going on? Well, thank my muse, for now I actually have some inspiration. That is assuming that this is all good. I've heard that people dont get me... (?) ... Aw well, it's all about levels. ::shows levels with her hands:: I amuse myself too much to stop, to care, or to do anything about it. It's all about the self-love that has been going on since at least the 14th. :) New items are: in the bedroom, could, find, old flame, glimpse, gift ... that makes an interesting sentence, now go love me.... [ Also, check poetic to see everything i've written.] [go] [what are you waiting for?] |
November 14, 2001 |
I updated! Woo! and a bit of Hoo! alternative two, walk, oak trees, wanted. Yipee. I love me, and you should too. |
November 6, 2001 |
Damn, I cannot believe that in the past year I have only updated twice. That is tragic, upsetting, and just plain wrong. I hereby promise (kinda) to update all of the time (maybe), each and every time I am online. (hmm, perhaps) I really do want to redesign the whole site, but that seems a but adventurous... maybe over the Christmas break. Perhaps I will even blog as well. It's so popular and I love reading blogs. Maybe my blog will just be about me reading people's blogs. Woo, that would be interesting. Well, here is what is new: haiku2, lies, living . . . I know it's slim pickings, but please hang in there. I'm really only talking to one person out there, aren't I? Hellooo... Okay, I will end this desperate update. |
--woah time lapse!-- |
March 3, 2001 |
Funny how five months can just fly by isn't it? Here are a few additions that I wrote, like ages ago. Hee. I need a muse goshdarnit! Here they are: emphasis, existence, deep night, dancing and fall back. |
Novemeber 2, 2000 |
vicarious is the newest thing-a-ma-jig. |
September 8, 2000 |
shadows, and descartes are my newest additions. enjoy the sparsity. |
September 7, 2000 |
are a few new poems. Oh wait, just one. awake
I've added a weblog/diary thingy. Yes, I've jumped on the bandwagon with both feet. Now once I figure out how to fix up the design on it I'll be all set. Blog is at https://sunnish.tripod.com/words.html |
July 21, 2000 |
A complete rehauling of my design concept. Less green. :) Pretty soon I may actually add new content! Wohoo! It's been long enough, right? Also a new picture of me! Check pic.html |
--woah time lapse!-- |
January 22, 2000 |
future right? Where's my flying car?
A statement, not at all concerning flying cars, but close enough to the real issue at hand, I'm sure. Also, I modernized sunnish, by making it green, and changing the words. :) |
I'm not updating as much as I used to because of .. distractions.. Yeah, that's the ticket. No, really, I'm trying to write something of substance. (a novel idea!) I mean, really, it was an idea for a novel. You know the kind, they never get published because the writer gets damn scared and a little vague about the whole concept, then she starts wondering how all the hours of crap on tv get produced, and she can't write something more than a screen long. Well, that just doesn't make sense. This isn't amy's rant corner, either. Email for details. (:P) |
December 3, 1999 |
Ive added spin.
and this one, boyfriend.
Merry December |
November 6, 1999 |
here.html has returned. I've added a mission statement to inform you of the, uh, mission.. kinda. Now that it's fall, I've given you a remembrance of summer. Ive removed the blue from this page as well. Do i need a 'new' page for my new page? |
October 30, 1999 |
Hey Gang. I added six minutes, for your viewing pleasure (or pain) :P |
October 19, 1999 |
Ive changed the whole index2 page to green. I made sure nothing was centered as well. The blue was old and bothersome (and centered) ! It was quite like the blue in here which I will keep til i am unlazy enough to switch it. :) So now the July 12 entry is obsolete. My main page used to look like this and was fun for a bit. but yeah. anyways! ciao. :) |
October something, 1999 |
I added tv and guitar. |
October 1, 1999 |
Okay, so the night wasnt very young after all. See July 12. Ive changed my member name. (from i_am_cool) Hoorah. it took me long enough. The new stuff is called this & that. Also i took out the song. It bored me ::yawn:: =) I added 'back' and 'next' things for easier navigation, and there are no more hidden poems. its all out there. byebye. i have a sore back. |
July 12, 1999 |
what did i do to the front page? i changed it a bit. that's all so far. the night is young. |
July 10, 1999 |
starting this (the new page) today. and today is July 10, 1999,
so today the newest thing is this 'new' page. also ive added a better version
of 'a song'/'latesong' that can be read on internet explorer without
knowledge of that weird alien language it appeared to be. also newly linked
on that
page is 'girl boy' and linked from that is 'patent'. something kinda new is the julie doiron song ive transcribed. i plan to add others if thats okay with you. =) |