there is so much shit within this world
it is unbelievable so those who cannot
see it choose to ignore it and we spin
among the clouds and
happens not only in dreams we try and
try to ignore and then we do and when
we can finally smile at ourselves the
mirror shatters and we see
when you sleep in dear beauty you miss
the first light of day
the sunrise is
seldom seen but oh glorious
is its wonder
if you sit real still you can feel the
earth spinning through
the sky from far
far away you cannot see the cities or the
people all you see is the land and the
ocean beneath the clouds.
we watch the plastic people on the television
they speak and we laugh they sit still
we cry i have seen it with my own eyes
the beautiful artifice of real life drama
oh my heart images
speed across the planet
and we stay indoors our eyes turned inwards
upon the thoughts of others and we lose
of ourselves.