i love you, man
take this as it is,
I love you, manand woman, be assured,
I love you more.boy, I will hold you forever,
but I shall push you girl,I shall push you to heights,
I shall clear the ladder and make room,I shall shout above and beyond
here comes my girl, my woman, my she,because, boy, you have already seen
the top of the green mountain,and I know you enjoyed the view
and I know you can’t come down,and no, we don’t need your hand,
we have our own hands, and voices, and strengthwe shall see our mountain too,
and climb to the very peak,we shall carry our pink flag
and poke it into the green summitproclaiming love,
proclaiming peace,
proclaiming nothing, even,just enjoying the view,
the love, man.
poetic x